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What are the 3 Tornado States in the Weather Map?

Navigating tornado tracking on PSAI Weather means understanding the three essential states shown on the map: 

  1. Tornado Warnings
  2. Tornado Sightings
  3. Tornado Paths

These indicators provide crucial guidance for contractors in determining where to focus their storm campaign targeting efforts. Below we'll explore the significance and functionality of warnings, paths, and sightings, so you're fully equipped to utilize our tornado tracking feature effectively.

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Tornado Warnings

Tornado warnings are early notifications of suspected tornado events that are issued by the National Weather Service. In the PSAI Weather Map, the county with the tornado warning will be highlighted in red. 

If a tornado warning is issued by the NWS within the last hour for your location, this will also appear within the Weather Outlook section of your Weather dashboard. 

Note that the Weather Outlook section is specific to the locations that you have set up.

Tornado warnings issued within the past 5 days will appear on the Weather map. After that time, the warning will be replaced by the tornado path (if available), as determined by the NWS. 

Tornado Sightings

Tornado sightings are unofficial reports of tornados sighted in the area. These will appear on the Weather map as red icons. Hovering over the icon will display details about the sighting, including who reported it and what was seen.

While these sightings are not official reports, they do provide essential information so you can stay up-to-date on tornado activity happening in your targeted area.

Tornado Paths

After a tornado event, the National Weather Service must conduct ground surveys to determine the accurate swath for touchdown points, intensity, and path of the tornado. Once available, this path will be visible as a red swath within the Weather map.  

To determine if the path of the tornado touched a specific address, you can filter for Impact Zone.  Learn more about this feature here!

Learn more about tornados in PSAI Weather with these resources: