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How to Edit Com Portal Notifications

The Com Portal is the main hub for incoming leads, and you have the ability to customize the notification settings for each type of alert sent through the tool.

Follow the steps below to edit your Com Portal notifications through the Notification Center.

1. Navigate to the Com Portal Section of the Notification Center

After navigating to Notifications through Account, scroll down to the Com Portal section under Notifications.

This section can be expanded to show all notification settings for the Com Portal.

Navigate to the Com Portal section within Notifications

2. Toggle On/Off All Notifications

Individual notifications can be toggled on and off within the Notification Center.

Toggle On/Off All Notifications

3. Customize Notifications

To further customize preferences for any of the Com Portal notifications, click on the "Edit Preferences" link.

Edit Notification Preferences

4. Uncheck "Use Default Preferences"

In order to save custom notification preferences, you must first uncheck the "User Default Preferences" box within the notification modal.

Uncheck Use Default Preferences

5. Edit Notification Preferences

With the Default Preferences box unchecked, you can now customize the email address(es) and mobile phone number(s) that you want to receive the notification.

Web browser and mobile app alerts can be turned on/off through the checkboxes.

Click Ok to Save Settings

6. Turn Notification Methods On/Off

To adjust individual notification methods for email or texting, check/uncheck the "Notify" box beside each field.

Turn Notification Methods On/Off

7. Click Ok to Save Settings

To save your customized Com Portal notification setting, click the blue "OK" button within the modal. This will return you to the Notification Center.

Click Ok to Save Settings