In This Article

How to Delete a Favorite Market

If you've changed your mind about which areas you'd like to save for easy access, you can delete a Favorite Market from your Weather map at any time. Follow the instructions below.

1. Click "Search Map"

After logging into PSAI and going to the Weather Center, click the button for "Search Map."

2. Click "See All"

Once you're on the Weather map, you'll see a panel in the upper left corner where your favorite areas are displayed. Within this panel, click the link for "See All."

At least one Favorite Area must be saved in order for the 'See All' link to appear.


3. Click the Trashcan

Clicking "See All" will open your full list of favorite areas. Click the trashcan next to any market to remove it from the list.

There is no option to quickly undo this action, so please be sure that you really want to delete the market before you click the trashcan.


To add a new favorite market at any time, follow these instructions.