In This Article

Can I Flow Leads from My Website into the Com Portal?

Yes, you can flow leads from your website into the Com Portal. In fact, the entire PSAI suite of tools centers around the Com Portal, where you can send emails and SMS messages, assign leads to your team, and a whole lot more. 

Leads from PSAI Site Conversion Tools

All leads generated through PSAI apps and site tools will automatically flow into the Com Portal with no additional set-up required. This includes leads from:

For Spectrum Enterprise Clients: Leads from Your LISA Platform

If you're a Spectrum Enterprise website client (using the LISA platform), then you have the opportunity to flow LISA leads into the Com Portal, too!


You'll still see the leads in your LISA admin (as shown above), but by setting up this additional PSAI connection, you'll now be able to use the Com Portal's robust communication tools as well.

This lead flow can include any leads generated through and tracked within your LISA platform:

  • Quote forms
  • Contact forms
  • Offers
  • Chats
  • HomeAdvisor
  • Facebook
  • Google Ads
  • Referrals
  • Dealers
  • And more!

Please note that at this time, the only type of Spectrum website leads that cannot flow into the Com Portal are phone call leads.

To set up this lead flow connection between your LISA platform and PSAI, please contact your Spectrum Client Managers. They will be happy to set up the connection for you.

You can also check out our resource on getting started with PSAI and LISA for more information.

If you are not a Spectrum full-service client but would like to know more about the LISA platform, fill out a Support ticket and we'll connect you with a representative.