The PSAI Weather Center offers you many different ways to search, browse, and identify storm opportunities, allowing you to utilize whichever method best fits your company's geographic service areas and your storm campaign strategy.
Learn more about each exploration method below.
No matter how you choose to enter the weather map, you'll always be able to explore freely by moving around, zooming in and out, and viewing storms in any location. This article provides a summary of different ways of exploring the map, but you are never stuck with just one exploration method!
Method #1: Search Map
If you'd like to browse the nationwide map on your own without any pre-set dates or filters applied, then simply click Search Map from your Weather Center.
This button will bring you to a nationwide view of the map with no storm swaths shown.
You can scroll around and zoom in and out until you find a location of interest. With the click of a button, you can then instantly view a list of storm dates in that specific location—adding any hail/wind filters and launching your storm campaign immediately.
Storms that are happening right now (within the last 24 hour) will be marked with a 'LIVE' tag.
Method #2: View Forecasted Storms
Want to see if any storms are forecasted to hit your targeted areas? You can view forecasted storm activity nationwide by clicking on the Forecasted button from your PSAI Weather dashboard.
This button will bring you to a nationwide view of the map with forecasted storms over the next three days listed in the left-side panel. You can further refine your search by clicking into any of the forecasted storms and zooming into the storm swaths displayed on the map.
Method #3: Search by Address
No matter how you've chosen to enter the Weather Map, you can choose to search for a specific address at any time. Simply click the magnifying glass in the search panel to open the search bar and type in your address.
Method #4: Use Favorite Regions
One of the quickest ways to enter the weather map and view a specific location is to save that location as a Favorite Region. Then you can click into that market directly from your Weather Center.
All of the methods above will help you narrow down a specific storm opportunity to target in a storm campaign. Once you've landed on a specific storm, you can further refine your search (and narrow your Facebook target audience) by applying filters.
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